The Happiness Hubs grant scheme is back!
Meet Julia Catherall, Engagement and Signposting Lead
PCP appoints new Deputy Chief Executive
Meet Tom Mohan, Senior Link Worker
Celebrating workplace wellbeing – Better Health at Work Award County Durham holds Celebration Event
PCP Befriending Services expands to support communities
A group to support long COVID - what is it about?
Meet Rebecca Morgan, Project Development Manager
Making a difference in County Durham - meet PCP's Cancer Awareness Team
Meet Sarah Johnson, Operations Support Officer
Calling community focused organisations – over £235,000 available from the Happiness Hubs Fund!
Wriggle this way - how to keep your garden green for Community Garden Week
Meet Jules Howe, Wellbeing For Life Facilitator
Did you know it’s been three years since the start of the pandemic?
Meet Charlie Crinion, Pioneering Care Partnership Creative Media and Digital Marketing Apprentice
Meet Leah Hughes, Pioneering Care Partnership Admin and Reception Apprentice
Meet Danny Walker, Pioneering Care Partnership Creative Media and Digital Marketing Apprentice
Healthwatch Sunderland supports new amputee community group
Together 21 receives £34,000 to support children with Down syndrome
Meet Vicky Browning, Pioneering Care Partnership Operations Manager