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#VolunteersWeek round up

The Pioneering Care Partnership is proud to be supported by 433 volunteers, who gave up 9,405 hours of their time in 2023-2024 to help make a difference for communities. This amount of time equates to an in-kind contribution £112,860 using the Real Living Foundation rate as a benchmark.

PCP volunteers are spread across the North East through its projects and services including Healthwatch, the independent champion for people who use health and social care services, Wellbeing for Life, a service dedicated to helping people become the best versions of themselves and a healthy living hub the Pioneering Care Centre (PCC) and many more!

Watch Callum's story

Watch Healthwatch Sunderland YouthWatch Volunteers share their volunteering experiences

Mark Sacco, PCP Trustee talked about how he started volunteering at PCP before becoming a trustee, you can read his story here.

Our Wellbeing for Life Service, received the County Durham Volunteer Kitemark award for the third time in October 2023 in recognition of their continuing work with volunteers from across the county, read more here!

Click through the images below to see what our Healthwatch South Tees volunteers had to say about volunteering with the service.

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available with us. Visit our volunteers page or you can contact 01325 321234 for more information on how to start your volunteering journey with PCP.



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