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Stress Awareness Month

This year’s Stress Awareness Month is more important than ever, as many of us have faced increased stress levels as a result of Covid-19.

According to organisers,, stress levels are at an all time high amongst adults who have felt overwhelmed by changes to their routine and lives. With a previous 12-month period filled with numerous lockdowns and uncertainty, it’s easy to see why there has been a spike in stress.

The Mental Health Foundation reports a correlation between stress and physical health problems, showcasing an urgency for us to address our stress. Stress Awareness Month gives us an opportunity to reflect and relax, to ease our stress.

Discover small changes you can take on board to your routine to combat high stress levels…


If you need to take some time out to relax, mindfulness offers a thought process that allows you to put things into perspective. Overall, it has been proven to improve your mental wellbeing, as you focus on the present moment instead of stressing over the past or future. If you fancy trying out mindfulness, you can visit Mindfulness - NHS (


Naturally, our bodies release endorphins when we exercise, which increases our overall mood. When it comes to taking part in exercise to combat stress, you can choose your level of intensity to suit you. Whether you want to add a low intensity walk into your weekly routine or take it one step up with a high intensity run – it’s completely up to you. When focusing on stress levels, little changes to your lifestyle are just as beneficial.

Staying connected

Through Covid-19 many of us have found it hard to stay connected to loved ones with new communication methods in place. Speaking to a loved one through a screen or in an outdoor space (current Government guidance when posting) may not be what we are used to, but conversations are key. A simple chat with a family member, friend or colleague can bring a sense of normality to your routine.

Take time for yourself

It’s important to make sure your routine has time for activities you love and make you happy. Many of us have adopted new hobbies during lockdown, so why not try your hand at a new hobby? It could be the creative outlet you’ve been looking for to relax!

Seek support

Sometimes talking to someone who isn’t connected to our family, friends or colleagues offers a sense of stress relief. Talking through factors that are contributing to your stress, can help you put them into perspective and move forward. If you or someone you know is seeking professional support, there are many options out there. Visit Mind’s website for further information at Treatment for stress | Mind

Visit the NHS website at Get help with stress - NHS ( or contact your local GP for further support.



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