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Local Charity gives staff wellbeing time to boost mental health

A North East charity has offered their staff a weekly session to focus on wellbeing.

Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP), a leading health and wellbeing charity have given their staff the opportunity to take a two-hour session out of their working week for activities to improve their overall mental health and wellbeing.

Staff are free to use their wellbeing session on activities that help them relax and unwind, which is especially important during these challenging times.

Carol Gaskarth, Chief Executive of PCP, said: “Supporting staff mental health is important to us and especially now with the impact of COVID-19 changing our usual routine and affecting many of us differently.

“Wellbeing time has been part of our offer for a number of years and we actively encourage staff to take time out and step away from work.

“PCP recently increased this to two-hours a week, recognising people are spending far more time at their computer than usual.

“Feedback from staff has been great and they use it in so many ways, whatever suits them whether it’s taking the dog for a walk, spending time with family or going for a run.

“It really is an individual choice and ultimately we hope to help staff build their own personal resilience and wellbeing.”

Despite many of PCP’s team working from home, the wellbeing time offers staff the chance to come together to socialise across the organisation.

The PCP team host a variety of virtual events for staff to join is as part of their wellbeing time, including the most recent Easter Egg Decorating session.

The Easter themed session united staff across PCP’s North East projects to come together virtually and see who could get creative and decorate the best Easter egg.



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