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Catch up with Options

This quarter has been very exciting for both Options members and staff! From welcoming new babies to working together to create a new logo, Option's members have been working hard to 'be the best we can be'!

As COVID-19 restrictions were slowly lifted, Options members were able to see each other face-to-face at 50% capacity for the first time since March 2020, whilst members took turns to join sessions via Zoom.

One of Options current projects is creating designs for an updated logo. After many ideas were bounced back and forth, Options are now working with PCP's marketing team to create a logo that perfectly describes what Options aims are. Well done Options members on your brilliant and creative ideas!

In September, two of Options staff members welcomed beautiful new babies into the world! We were overjoyed to welcome a baby girl and a baby boy in September within days of each other! We'd like to share Congratulations to Charlotte and Sean on the birth of the beautiful Daisy Ray, and congratulations to Joe and Candice on the birth of gorgeous Charlie John.

While welcoming babies, Options have also been looking after mental and physical wellbeing by line dancing and filling sessions with belly laughter. As usual, Options have spent a lot of time helping in the PCP Community Garden, and even put their skills to the test at learning French.

Options favourite time of year is always Halloween! The group enjoyed creating Halloween decorations for a Halloween themed group day at the Pioneering Care Centre on Friday, 29th October. Options have also started to create Christmas decorations that they will sell at PCP's Christmas Fair on Saturday 20th November from 10am - 2pm.

Follow Options Facebook page to stay up to date on the day-to-day fun and exciting upcoming events.

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